Duet Books
Duet books are a fantastic aid in the self-education of any musician. Even if there's no one else to play with, all you have to do is play one part into a tape recorder, and then play your duet with the tape.
Learning Value from Playing Duets (esp. w/tape)
Duets for Younger Students
Of books commonly available, I recommend Yamaha
Duets for Intermediate Students
These duets are good for students who have played for 2-3 years. Good
experiences in both harmony and counterpoint. Very well arranged by William Eisenhauer. (I
sure wish they'd publish one for sax!)
Current price is $7.50 each.
Learn To Play Flute Duets (Alfred Music #860)
Learn To Play Clarinet Duets (Alfred Music #861)
Duets for Advanced Students (3 years or more)
Rubank Duet Books: A Classic Best-Buy
These books set the standard for all others. Well selected, well arranged, and physically built for a lifetime of use. Most high school students will find plenty to do in the first volume (easy-medium) but the second volume is also great for more accomplished players.
These books are now publised by Hal Leonard and cost $7.95 each.
Selected Duets for Flute Vol.1 HL04470920
Selected Duets for Flute Vol.2 HL04470930
Selected Duets for Clarinet Vol.1 HL04470940
Selected Duets for Clarinet Vol.2 HL04470950
Selected Duets for Saxophone Vol.1 HL04470960
Selected Duets for Saxophone Vol.2 HL04470970
78 Duets for Flute & Clarinet Vol.1 HL04471040
78 Duets for Flute & Clarinet Vol.2 HL04471050
NOTE: The 'easy-medium' volumes can be quite challenging for two people--particularly if sight-reading. I recommend always buying and using Vol.1 before going to Vol.2.
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