Quick & Dirty Technical Exercises for Your Horn
(This Page Under Construction)
Note: All printable items on this page are currently in .pdf format to be read by Adobe Acrobat. I hope in the near future to offer some of the same files as playable, transposable Sibelius documents, which you can read with Scorch. More later, I hope...
Basic Scale Skills (PDF)
ii-V Patterns (PDF with complete with pinkie fingerings for clarinet)
Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring PDF (a great little rollercoaster ride through your major scales)
The Accidental Tourist - (PDF) Rides kind of like Jesu, but someone left a rock on the tracks...
"My Girl" Around the Circle - Learn your pentatonic scale in all keys using the famous guitar lick from My Girl.
Clarinet "A" Key - Dealing with that pesky A key. Star Wars meets the Spaghetti Westerns, in an all-out effort to help you conquer this traditional stumbling block.
"Sleigh Ride" annotated - Addresses a myriad of common fingering issues
Chromatic Practice Sheet for Clarinet, annotated for technique
Harmonic Series for Clarinet - Did you know that low-A, high-E, and altissimo C# and G all are from the same fingering? This sheet provides you practice in working that area.
Quick-Start Exercises for Flute - (.PDF coming soon) Provides beginners with practice at their more difficult fingering changes on the way to learning F and B-flat scales. (included on sheet)